Source code for actorcritic.baselines

"""Contains `baselines`, which are used to compute the `advantage`."""

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

[docs]class Baseline(object, metaclass=ABCMeta): """A wrapper class for the baseline that is subtracted from the target values to get the `advantage`. """ @property @abstractmethod def value(self): """:obj:`tf.Tensor`: The output values of this baseline. """ pass
[docs] def register_predictive_distribution(self, layer_collection, random_seed=None): """Registers the predictive distribution of this baseline in the specified :obj:`kfac.LayerCollection` (required for K-FAC). Args: layer_collection (:obj:`kfac.LayerCollection`): A layer collection used by the :obj:`~kfac.KfacOptimizer`. random_seed (:obj:`int`, optional): A random seed for sampling from the predictive distribution. Raises: :obj:`NotImplementedError`: If this baseline does not support K-FAC. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class StateValueFunction(Baseline): """A baseline defined by a state-value function. """
[docs] def __init__(self, value): """ Args: value (:obj:`tf.Tensor`): The output values of this state-value function. """ self._value = value
@property def value(self): """:obj:`tf.Tensor`: The output values of this state-value function. """ return self._value
[docs] def register_predictive_distribution(self, layer_collection, random_seed=None): """Registers the predictive distribution (normal distribution) of this state-value function in the specified :obj:`kfac.LayerCollection` (required for K-FAC). Args: layer_collection (:obj:`kfac.LayerCollection`): A layer collection used by the :obj:`~kfac.KfacOptimizer`. random_seed (:obj:`int`, optional): A random seed for sampling from the predictive distribution. """ layer_collection.register_normal_predictive_distribution(mean=self._value, var=1.0, seed=random_seed)
# var=0.5 => squared error loss, var=1.0 => half squared error loss # var=1.0 => vanilla Gauss Newton, see ACKTR 3.1 "Natural gradient in actor-critic" # NormalMeanVarianceNegativeLogProbLoss for adaptive gauss newton?